Started out in Olcott

brown1steel1and the creek was perfect and full of fish….and fisherman.  Got a 15# brown, 2 12’s, and a 20#+ king, but the king cost me my fishing spot.  As I ran him down the creek I returned to no place to fish.  Did catch other smaller browns, but the crowd was unmerciful.   I forgot all about “combat Fishing” at 18 mile creek.  I got a stern reminder.

My next trip was to 16 mile in Erie.  I never caught more steelhead in my life.  I honestly caught them every cast for a while.  It did get monotonous…until, guess what?  A guy came across the creek to steal my spot while landing one down the creek.  This time I stood my ground and from that point on, every fish I hooked…and that was quite a few, I fought from that spot as not to lose it.

I think the problem is, there are so many fish that people no longer respect these magnificent fish, nor the fellow fisherman.  I have never seen such poor sportsmanship as I have seen this year.  Sad, but oh so true.

Will post some pics later.