the entire time I fished. Because the stream was low, the rain had no effect on the water. Started at dawn and left at 1 PM.
My first five fish came in the first 45 minutes in getting there. The last 7 took a lot longer than that.
Story 1……………got the big palomino at the boulder hole to nudge a bugger. Tried for the other 4 to no avail.
Story 2………thought I saw a walleye chase my streamer, and when I saw it take I was convinced it was a pike. Turns out to be a big bow that took me 30 yards upstream. When I got him to a perfect landing spot, my line got stuck on a piece of ice. As I stooped to beach him, the ice snag gave the bow some slack and out popped the fly before I could get a pic. Oh, well. Missed at least 5 in that spot.
New fishing buddy Nick also had a good day. But shelter business and a soaking wet sweatshirt made me call it an early day.