Fish stories

Although I started out with 7 fish right off the bat, the first being a really nice tiger, this is the one that got away day.

After the fast start I decided to dedicate the day to the golden trout.  I hooked the goldie below the pavilion dam only to have him break the pool and swim down to the next riffle where I lost him.

Several attempts at the zombie and I never got a look.

Found Sean’s palomino and I had him follow 6 times, 2 of which I watched him eat my fly and I missed him both times.  He swam up to the dam where he inhaled my streamer and after a 5 second fight….off he came.  TMC hook!  When I headed back toward the car, one of my 5 witnesses came up and said he caught him…22.5 inches on a brown bugger.

What a bummer for me losing 2 on the same day.  Not complaining, because I still had a day in the teens.

Don’t even want to mention the huge tiger I lost fishing off the lower quad bridge.  That story perhaps another time.

The creek, weather, etc were just perfect today.