We stocked

and the fish we put in looked like Erie steelhead and Olcott browns.  When I bring in my camera I will upload pics.  The fish were simply put – awesome!

We put in over 200 and the club is just filthy with fish.  While stocking every guy I saw had fish on, and that was before we stocked.  Speaking of before we stocked…

I fished from dawn until ten and caught 2 fish in a hole, then went to the next, caught 2 and so on.  Tried some new stuff for the tournament and the fish were hitting everything.  Hooked a goldy only to lose him under a log, the only one around for miles to boot.

Oh well, hope we draw good beats for the tourney, but we have already won, knowing our donation is going to the Alle Kiski Health Foundation so they can continue the awesome work they do.