1.7 flow

but plenty of water and plenty of trout at the club.

Started out with 11 at the corner pocket.  Added another 15-16 more before the day was done.

The story of the day…..hit the lower quad and hooked the palomino.  Had trouble getting line through the guides and lost him.   But, on the next cast I picked this beauty up.  He got me stuck under the dam, so I had to roll up the sleeves and pull the line out by hand to dislodge the fish.  After he swam out I got this pick.  Caught 2 others at/near 20 and ended the day with a 24 incher at the pavilion hole.  Picked up the brown right before the 24 incher.octbrn

octoberbowBanner day!  My best ever at the club in the month of October.