Well it happened again…this time even more incredible

I hooked a giant bow at the curve.  After waiting for him to find his way out of a sunken branch and following him up and down the hole I finally landed him.  Reaching for my camera I approached the fish and found the line wrapped around my foot,  Kicking the line upwards I swung the fish around just enough for him to swim back out, bust my line and swim off.

Never so bummed in losing a fish that was not only caught, but banked.

Met up with Steve and we went down to Campbell’s dam.  Man, did we hook some fish!  Above and below the dam we put on a mini clinic in catching fish.  We fished right up till dark.

When I lost the big fish I know I sounded like a broken record in losing big fish when I told Steve about it.  I guess what I am really saying is that the Yellow Creek Trout Club never ceases to amaze me with the quality of that fishery.  For the good times, the camaraderie, the water quality, and of course the fishery is just simply put, the YCTC is second to none.