Bull Creek

was my destination and when I got there, no one was there.  Fished 2 hours before any one else showed.  I found 2 holes with around 20 fish in each with one breeder.  I tried for and hooked him right off the bat, but lost him.  After that, it was one after another on green weenies and orange buggers.

The problem was….the biggest fish I caught was around a foot long.  Saw some others but in the low clear water they were spooky.  Don’t really know why those first 2 holes provided so much action.

This truly makes me appreciate the club so much more as the quality and numbers of fish is far greater there.

Some one said there were 2 more breeders stocked in that hole, but I could not find them.  They might have swam out of the project and if they did, they will be history on April 12.