Dear Club Member:
This letter is to inform you of what has happened at YCTC and the entire stream of Yellow Creek.
There has been a major fish kill due to an unknown substance. There is testing being done at this time on water, fish, and tree limb samples to determine the cause of the situation. The DEP, PA. Fish Commission, Environmental testing groups, and PA. State Police are all involved in the investigation.
I believe that this was no accident, that someone deliberately did this to sabotage the club. Since this is the water-way to
I do plan to stock fish in June once I get word that the water is safe to put trout back into the stream. There are trout surviving at the tributary in front of the pavilion.
I would like to thank everyone who has called with their concerns on the situation YCTC has taken a blow, but I’m determined and have faith that this will not ruin what has become a great fishery. IN GOD WE TRUST!!!
Steve Renosky