I hooked the biggest trout in all my years of fishing.

maytroutWith the exception of steelhead and brown trout fishing in the great lakes, the fish I hooked today was my biggest ever.  Note…I said hooked.

I watched him eat the fly, set the hook, and the fun began.  Some young boy came running to the rescue and I handed my rod to him while I climbed off the bridge I was fishing from.   By that time at least 40 yds of line was pealed out (center pin) and my line got wrapped up in a laurel bush.  The kid and now his friend moved the bush into my grasp and I dislodged the line.  The bruiser then went into a snag of sticks and after dislodging that he ran under a log, around a rock and bingo!  the line broke.

I also hooked another big fish in the same pool, but it paled in comparison with the monster I had on.  I know I got around 20 today, but the one I lost…………………….man, that fish was huge!

And man, is the club stacked with fish!