
Went to the club on Wed, following a lead by Steve.  The guys at YCTC are missing the boat by not fishing during the summer.  I was greeted by 2 doe and 3 youngins crossing below the walking bridge.  That alone made the trip worthwhile.
Hooked a beauty on the straight stretch, and Steve was right about heavy line.  My pin cranked off 100 yds of 4# test that broke as I turned the fish.  Caught one small one that I thought might have been a sucker, it was that small.
Went to the upper end and Steve was right, it looked like Pymatuming.  Hooked one there that I promptly lost. I had a few hits, but small hooks allowed no hook ups.
Hiked backed to the straight stretch and hooked the fish of the day, same story.  Lost everything.
Moral of the story.
No fish landed, but had a blast.  Saw a few dozen trout, hanging out in places I never would have dreamed of.  You need to fish the club 12 mos of the year.  Scouted and learned a ton doing so.  Plenty of water and flow, though water temp is high.  I will be back as soon as I can do so.  Carp are tougher than trout.  And last, but not least, ……………………………….Listen to Steve.