The Yellow Creek Trout Club

welcomed 3 guys to the place this past weekend, and the fishing did not disappoint.

Steve and I guided them and the guys had a great time learning some casting with a fly rod, mending, etc and they became really good at it before day’s end.  Plus, the fishing was not too shabby either.  Dodging some rain drops the guys landed some really nice fish, and put up some really nice numbers as well.

I don’t know who enjoyed the day more, the new guys, or Steve and I.

Spent the morning fishing with Joe B and we did tie into some really nice fish.  I lost 3 that were huge, but did land 3 others that were really nice, just over 20. Wasted a few hours on the 28 incher, all to no avail.

Best Day Ever

at the Yellow Creek Trout Club.

On the way a bluebird landed on my mirror.  I knew this was going to be an omen of good things to come on this day.  The club did not disappoint.

I caught the huge bow (the biggest fish I ever helped Steve stock) that we stocked below the lower quad bridge and it was one fish after another all morning.  There was no one there and that totally amazed me considering the great conditions.

I shot a ton of video and took some stills of the fish, but I can’t explain how great the fishing was.  Pictures just can’t do the fish justice.

I hit the cycle and the only fish not over 20 was the tiger.  The brook, the bow, and the brown were over 20, and I caught 3 bows that big and 2 really nice browns as well.

What a day!may223may226monsterbowinmay

Another May Day at the club


ran into Al, Steve, and Joe B and hardly any one else fishing at the club, and this was a Saturday afternoon.  The weather was perfect, the water was great, and of course, the fish are always there.

The ones that got away were above the curve and I lost the monster that Steve stocked below the lower quad.  The biggest rainbow I have ever hooked at the club and all I did was get him to the top of the water, get a good look, and the fly popped and away he went.  He did his part, me, not so much.

The creek is just simply put…loaded….with many and many many big trout.smallbrown

Fished with Jack and Bob Paulik


and we continued our friendship of 50 years.

Bob was my college roommate and Jack is his twin brother.  Every year we get together and go fishing and celebrate another year of friendship and another year of life.

Our goal is to always continue to build and reinforce our friendship and we did so at the Yellow Creek Trout Club yesterday.

This post is not about the fish today, but rather about 3 buddies who make the time to get together when they can.  We hope to meet again in the fall.

PS…………..the fishing was pretty good.

Another tournament in the books

The skies opened and the rains came down.  Even with high and somewhat discolored water, The Alle Kiski Health Foundation annual tournament at the Yellow Creek Trout Club was a huge success.  The largest went 27″ and many teams recorded really good numbers of fish caught and some other really nice fish were registered with the judges.

We drew Campbell’s dam and were able to log in 7 fish.  The best was Dan with an 18 inch tiger,  and he lost one even bigger.  The afternoon beat had us in a stretch that was really fast and discolored and we did not catch any.

Great Job, John Pastorek, Steve Renosky, and to my teammates Dan Lacinsky and the Derringer boys Nate and Al.  Can’t wait till next year.tigerinmay