Stocked yet again

and Joe B and I fished the creek before the stocking.

The first fish caught by Joe B was released and caught by me on my next cast.  Catch and release works.

To farther explain this, I caught the same bow 3 times today.  I could identify the fish by the gold spot on its head.

The creek got some needed rain, but all in all the stream and the fishing are both in great shape.bownovbrownnov


The 2 fish pictured were caught at the pavilion.  Who needs Erie?

Hit 16 in Erie again

and hooked 3 and landed 1.  The place was packed with guys, but not fish.  Same can be said about Chautauqua Creek in NY.  The fish I have caught in Erie did not even warrant taking the camera out for a pic.

I think this run is gonna be another slow one.  Hope I am wrong.


Went to 16 and started out the morning with 2 quick steelies.

Met a guy from Kiski and his son, and called his son up to take my spot near the dam.  He got into 2 fish and after an hour with no hits we joined his dad near the mouth.

Got into a half dozen fish there and the boy caught a beauty there, which he released.  To my amazement the 12 year old put his fish back, while the other guys fishing down there were all keeping their fish.  I saw several really nice fish kept and keep asking myself why these guys continue to do this.

They could learn a lot from my 12 year old buddy.

Picked one up in Chautauqua Creek on my way back to the cabin.

This is not Erie

but it is the Yellow Creek Trout Club.

Had one of my best days ever.  Perfect weather, no crowds, cooperative fish, and leaky boots.

Even the leaky boots didn’t make me leave as the fishing was so exceptional.  Got 5 fish over 20 including 2 massive browns. Will post a vid of one brownie later.


not erie 2