Doesn’t look like a tiger

but it is.  The last fish of the day.

Did some helping today with Steve as he was guiding some guests.  A gentleman and his 2 sons showed up at the club for some fishing.

Between the raindrops we all managed some fish.  Most came from Campbell’s dam.  The guys were really excited and who wouldn’t be, catching 15 inch trout.  They have already said they will be returning…from Delaware this summer.  3 nicer guys you will never meet.  Good job getting the guys on fish, Steve!apriltiger

We stocked

goodfristockbut, before we did I decided to fish for an hour.

I managed 8 fish in that hour, losing a biggie above the lower quad bridge.  This brown is just one of the many fish swimming around the club, and now Steve put in another batch on top of the zillions that are in there.brownie

Got there at 8 degrees

joebamabowand the fishing started out slow.  As the temp heated up, so did the fishing.

Fishing buddy Joe Bama and I had a blast catching fish all day from ( a.m. into the evening hours.  We each landed a 20 inch brook trout at the same time.  A “rare double” (Sean) indeed.  This was at the lower quad bridge.

The grate and Campbell’s dam gave up one after another to us and every one who fished these spots.

The day ended with a 24 inch bow above the lower qaud bridge, and 50 fish between Joe and I.  What a day!


PS….all the guys were nailing fish today….Yellow Creek Trout Club pulls through big time again.

PSS….the pirogi pizza was awesome!

High and off colored water

High water.  Did manage 8 fish.  2 were 20 inchers.  One was foul hooked on a bugger.  What a battle that was.

Did come home early.  Water too high and off color for me.

Had fun fishing from the lower quad bridge and watching the freshly stocked fish chase my bugger to the top.  Many follows, but not many caught.

The Utah Bug worked

but the shop vac worked better.

Caught them on the Utah bug, sucker spawn, olive bugger, green rock worm, but the shop vac was the fly of the day.

Pounded the fish above the curve and below the lower quad bridge, thanks to fishing buddy Andrew (showed me the fly).

Ended the day by falling in the creek.  It was a long and cold ride home for sure.

Perfect conditions at the club today.utah bug