In 9th

lac1muskygrade my civic’s teacher, Dick Tudor, talked about catching muskies on Chautauqua Lake.  I have been chasing a musky for all of those years since then.  Well, 50 years later, I finally got him.  He was caught near Prendergrast Point in Lake Chautauqua.

My nephew Dan also got one and that made this special day even more special.

Caught him on a jerk bait using a baitcaster.  Next one is gonna be on a fly.

Thanks to Todd at Muddy Creek Charters for leading the way.  If you want/need more info about Mudddy Creek give me a shout.

The drought has been broken!

July 8 Carpin

Today I was just ready to call Steve and tell him to stay home, when it all broke loose.

It looked as though it would rain, and the quiet creek suddenly went nuts.  I caught at least 8 carp before Steve got there, and between the 2 of us we added at least a dozen more.  It was the best day of carpin I have ever had.

I Learned a lot about feeding patterns, migratory routes, and location of the club’s many carp.

By the way, the trout are still hanging in there.  Click the link to see Steve bag a beauty!

Another carp day

All the action came early and so the videos I took (6) don’t show the fish in the water until I landed them.  The last video did, however I lost the fish in a brush pile.  It was the last fish of the day and ruined my 6 for 6 record, as I finished 6 outta 7.

The creek was just slightly higher than I would have liked.

By the way, I did land around 10 trout, one a 20 incher,carp landing