Carpin….click the link at the end…

was the fish of the day.

Started out with around 6 trout testing out the new helmit cam I put together last night.

This is the video of one of the many carp I hooked up.  The last one was the best, but I ran out of memory on my vid card.  My hat cam was a complete success.  Though it is a nuisance to wear all day.

Made a new fishing buddy, Al, and hopefully another new member.

Caught around 15 trout

but it was the 10 carp that I 14smallie14carp13landed that was the story today.

Below the new dam was stacked with carp and I have been dying to get a crack at them.  Well, today was the day.

Spent the morning catching trout, but when I got to that spot and saw all those fish, my mind was made up to fish for carp.  The ones I landed were big, the ones I lost were enormous.

Throw in a few nice smallmouth bass and my day was complete.  Love those carp!

Place where I caught fish #1

below the train bridge in Taentum.  Caught a catfish and the year was 1956.  Caught on a worm when I was 7 years old.  The adventures this first fish started!  Changed my life completely.

Looked a lot different then for sure.  What a rush of memories standing there today.trainbridge

Hit the club early

and found the fishing fine in the fast water.  The hole below the new dam has been awesome as well as the boulder hole.  Finished the day with 12 total.  Gearing up for the carp and some smallie action, having hooked a carp on my last outing I was reminded just how much fun they are.DSC00449 brncurve

I hooked the biggest trout in all my years of fishing.

maytroutWith the exception of steelhead and brown trout fishing in the great lakes, the fish I hooked today was my biggest ever.  Note…I said hooked.

I watched him eat the fly, set the hook, and the fun began.  Some young boy came running to the rescue and I handed my rod to him while I climbed off the bridge I was fishing from.   By that time at least 40 yds of line was pealed out (center pin) and my line got wrapped up in a laurel bush.  The kid and now his friend moved the bush into my grasp and I dislodged the line.  The bruiser then went into a snag of sticks and after dislodging that he ran under a log, around a rock and bingo!  the line broke.

I also hooked another big fish in the same pool, but it paled in comparison with the monster I had on.  I know I got around 20 today, but the one I lost…………………….man, that fish was huge!

And man, is the club stacked with fish!