Fish stories

Although I started out with 7 fish right off the bat, the first being a really nice tiger, this is the one that got away day.

After the fast start I decided to dedicate the day to the golden trout.  I hooked the goldie below the pavilion dam only to have him break the pool and swim down to the next riffle where I lost him.

Several attempts at the zombie and I never got a look.

Found Sean’s palomino and I had him follow 6 times, 2 of which I watched him eat my fly and I missed him both times.  He swam up to the dam where he inhaled my streamer and after a 5 second fight….off he came.  TMC hook!  When I headed back toward the car, one of my 5 witnesses came up and said he caught him…22.5 inches on a brown bugger.

What a bummer for me losing 2 on the same day.  Not complaining, because I still had a day in the teens.

Don’t even want to mention the huge tiger I lost fishing off the lower quad bridge.  That story perhaps another time.

The creek, weather, etc were just perfect today.

Creek high

spawnwbridgebut very fishable.

Got there at dawn and my first 3 fish were all camera worthy.  One was a 20 inch bow from above the curve.  Every fish I caught was a rainbow.

Below the lower quad bridge I picked up a 24 incher and got a 22 incher from below the walking bridge.  Everything I caught was on a green weenie, white wooly bugger, or a sucker spawn.

I fished from dawn till dusk and got 5 fish over 20 and couldn’t guess how many others I picked up during the day.   Cold air and water temps did not matter.  All of the anglers reported success.

The graph said 2.2, but I think it was a lot higher than that.

Bull Creek

was my destination and when I got there, no one was there.  Fished 2 hours before any one else showed.  I found 2 holes with around 20 fish in each with one breeder.  I tried for and hooked him right off the bat, but lost him.  After that, it was one after another on green weenies and orange buggers.

The problem was….the biggest fish I caught was around a foot long.  Saw some others but in the low clear water they were spooky.  Don’t really know why those first 2 holes provided so much action.

This truly makes me appreciate the club so much more as the quality and numbers of fish is far greater there.

Some one said there were 2 more breeders stocked in that hole, but I could not find them.  They might have swam out of the project and if they did, they will be history on April 12.

Flow at the trout club

My opinion of the flow at Yellow Creek…..

Most guys like around the 2.2-2.4 range, and so do I.  I love to sight fish, so a flow from 1.8 to 2.0 works for me.  This is pretty low and clear and light flouro tippets are a must in these low conditions.  Longer rods prevent break-offs.

A flow of 2.6 or higher, but can be fishable.  When over 2.6 I try to call Steve or another fisherman who was recently there to give me an eyewitness report if I plan on fishing.  Otherwise, head on over, make a fire, or take a walk, and just enjoy the serenity the club has to offer.

We stocked Friday

stevendan tigerguysseanbrookieand I got there at Saturday at dawn and met up with Tom K.  I fished the hole above the curve and caught maybe 15 fish there.  He fished it an hour later and did just as well or better, including catching the freshly caught albino.  The amazing thing is, after Tom caught it, my grandnephew Sean caught it 4 hours later.  How cool is that.  Plus many other members said they caught fish out of that same spot throughout the day.  The creek is loaded with fish!

I went to Kieko’s with Steve, Dan, and Sean.  There I picked up an albino that we stocked on an olive bugger.  Sean did a great job netting him.  As we fished downstream from there, Dan lit that hole up as well as the outflow from below that dam, where he clobbered them.  He busted a big tiger at the walking bridge too.  Steve picked up fish from below the sunken dock on our way down.

After lunch Steve and I went down to the last dam, and we both got into a bunch of fish.  Steve caught one on his own hand tied bugger pattern.  I told him to retire that fly.  He had more of them luckily.  Congrats, Steve.  On the way down I lost a 20+ inch fish, because I was fishing off a bridge and had no way of getting him to the shore.

We finished up below the pavillion and Steve put on a brown trout exhibition for sure.

Every guy there said it was a banner day for them.  When we met up with Al he was in the 20’s.

I could not have been more pleased.  I can’t give a number, but I caught/witnessed/heard of a heck of a lot of fished caught at the club on that day.  I hit for the grand cycle…brown, rainbow, tiger, brook, and the albino made it a grand cycle.