Got there early

and started banging them in the hole above the curve, all on 16 sucker spawns, the only fly I used all day.  Got 2 in there pushing, but not quite 20.  Caught a beauty off the lower quad bride and had a Chinese fire drill landing it.

Not learning my lesson I was heading up to the car to get ready for stocking and hooked a nice brown, again turning into another fire drill.  Had to let out 20 feet of line, run upstream, slide down a hill, walk down to my rod, pull it off the hill and landed a nice brown around 18.

The fish we stocked, over 450, were the nicest I have seen in all my years of fishing.  I won’t sleep tonight in anticipation of heading up in the morning.  Steve, the club is just awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Will post some pics tomorrow.  Gotta tie flies.

Haven’t written

because I really haven’t been fishing….until this past week.

Went out with a 5 degree temp and a windchill at -10, at least.  Got to 16 mile and after falling, breaking my phone, and losing my car keys, I made it to the hole up from the mouth to see at least 30 fish.   Hooked one, had 2 follows and foul hooked 2.  The bitter cold drove me off after an hour and a half, and frost bit hands had me back in the car.

The dummy that I am, I arrived there the next day in the early afternoon to see the temps even worse, the creek frozen over, and the fish tucked under the ice.

I then walked upstream to the route 5 bridge and there were no fish in the creek.  Called it a day, a cold one at that, and waiting to hit Yellow this week.

It poured

the entire time I fished.  Because the stream was low, the rain had no effect on the water.  Started at dawn and left at 1 PM.

My first five fish came in the first 45 minutes in getting there.  The last 7 took a lot longer than that.

Story 1……………got the big palomino at the boulder hole to nudge a bugger.  Tried for the other 4 to no avail.

Story 2………thought I saw a walleye chase my streamer, and when I saw it take I was convinced it was a pike.  Turns out to be a big bow that took me 30 yards upstream.  When I got him to a perfect landing spot, my line got stuck on a piece of ice.  As I stooped to beach him, the ice snag gave the bow some slack and out popped the fly before I could get a pic.  Oh, well.  Missed at least 5 in that spot.

New fishing buddy Nick also had a good day.  But shelter business and a soaking wet sweatshirt made me call it an early day.

The club fished well on Sunday

caught fish all over the place.  Lines did not freeze…pretty good day.

I started with a 20 below the lower quad bridge.  Met up with Dan A in the hole above the curve and we lit em up pretty good there, and in the curve itself.

Later went out with Steve, Vince, and Rick.  We fished all the way down picking off fish here and there.  At the last wooden dam I got broken off by a huge fish.  Would pay $50 bucks just to see him.

Hit for the cycle, catching a brook, tiger, bow, and brown.  The palominos still manage to elude me.  By the way….did hook the zombie for around 3 seconds.  I will get him yet!

Went to the club

on Saturday after the stockng, and as usual, the club did not disappoint.

Got there at dawn and went down for the 22 in palomino.  Could not find him…unreal.  So, I proceeded back upstream to my usual hot spots and they too did not disappoint.  Caught a good amount of fish on white zonkers and tandem rigs using a small sucker spawn on top and a traditional nymph on the bottom.  The hits were 50/50 with the bigger fish taking the nymph.

When the rain came I continued to fish for 2 hrs. but being drenched I retired to the pavillion for some good company, good snacks, and a beer or 2 before leaving.  Erie tribs this week.  Put up a pic of a big bow I got soon.

PS…………….Ambush is the best fly line I have ever used…bar none….the best!