We stocked

largebowand put in some beauts, including a 22″ gold trout to keep the 22 inch goldy that is in there already.

When I got there and threw my first cast at the palomino, this is the result…a 20″ rainbow from above the lower quad bridge.  There I pounded the fish and after heading down to the hole above the curve, where I pounded the fish there.  Could have fished all day, but when 10 am came along I went to the garage and helped Steve stock the stream today.  These may have been the biggest/nicest fish I have ever seen stocked.

And believe me, I have seen some nice fish stocked.  The Yellow Creek Trout Club rules!

Jan 1

and got there at dawn to catch the first fish of 2014.  Got a 21 in tiger at the red bridge.

Hit a dry spell for a while, but not so for fishing buddy, Dan.  He lit the creek up and did well on an olive nymph.  One was a good 22 in bow above the curve.

Steve joined us later and he started out with a bang, an 18 in fish on a shiner pattern.

Steve and I fished the rest of the day picking up a fish here and there, as did nephew Sean.  But the day belonged to Dan for sure.

The creek was a 10, the weather a ten, and the fishing buddies and camaraderie was also a ten.  The food was pretty darn good too.

Do wish Al could have made it.

Happy New Year.


was high, but fish-able.  Sean, Dan, and I got up at 4, made the drive, got our fave spots and fished for 4 hrs without a bite.  Saw 3 steel and one brown caught.  Chautauqua creek was also a bust the day before.  Heading to Yellow tomorrow.  Happy New Year!……Mike


darktigerflow and the creek was smokin.  Had a tough time finding suitable water to fish.  When I did….

I nailed a 22″ tiger and had a really tough time landing him due to the high water, slippy banks, tree in the water, etc.  But I did finally land him.  Got it all on video that I will upload later.

Had to leave due to falling snow, Christmas festivities and the like.  Merry Christmas! and God bless…..Mike

Caught a bunch


above the curve, above and below the lower quad bridge…but that is where the story of the day occurred.

The creek was perfect and having caught a bunch I went after the zombie fish…the 22″ albino/palomino.  Using my tried and true palomino fly I hooked him, but in my excitement of tying on,  I wasn’t sure of my knot and I should have rechecked it.  Finish the story…hooked him, had him on, knot slipped.

Kicking myself I couldn’t believe my stupidity and wondered how I could do something like that.  This happened to me years ago and I thought, what the heck, can lightning strike twice?  It did!  5 minutes later I hook him on a golden retriever streamer.  Can’t lose a fish on a streamer.  As I am pulling him to the bank, the streamer pops out and away he went.

What are the chances…you get that once in a lifetime second chance and mess it up.  I will never fish without a net again.