It had to happen

.  Went to the club and fished high, but nicely colored water.  Not my cup of tea, but fishable nonetheless.  I did hook 4 fish, but landed 0, zip, zilch.  Only the second time in 11 years of fishing there I got skunked.  When I told a girl at the shelter I got skunked she asked if I had a hard time getting the smell out.  Kinda made it worth it.

The creek was a perfect 10


But the fishing in NY was a perfect 0.  Did hook 3, but was disappointed in the number of steelhead in the creeks.  So I returned home and went to the club.

The water there was a 10 and the fishing was a 10.  I caught 4 at the hole above the curve including a 20 in bow.  The other 6 came from above the lower quad bridge.  There I caught 6 on 6 casts!  On the fourth I changed flies and caught 2 more in a row on a different pattern. 

So in doing the math 6 and 4 is ten.  Since the fishing happened in those 2 spots, I spent most of the day trying to find biters.  Even went way up top.  But if you think I am complaining about a 10 fish morning….think again.

Cold and snow

this entire trip.  Did get one day of fishing in.  I am stuck on 2’s.

I hooked 3 and landed 2.  It was a “should been here yesterday” kinda day.  The torrential rain turned into snow and the weatherman just did not cooperate at all.  Coming back up after Thanksgiving.coldsteel