Just stocked


so went up for the new fish.

Started at the corner pocket where we put in 15 bows.  Caught most of them before moving down stream to the lower quad bridge.  The bow picture came from that spot, while the tiger came from the corner pocket.

Before heading back to the pavilion to celebrate Rick’s/Al’s birthday I ran into Joe and his girlfriend who just happens to love fishing.  They got into some nice fish there.  From there I called it a day after eating some of Steve’s delicious walleye, halushki, and other great dishes prepared for the birthday celebration.  Topped off with some birthday cake.

Great fishing, great food and friends.  Happy birthday Al and Rick.  Many many more!

In NY the creek was a 10

bigfihnysteel2steel1I hit the creek at dawn and had a blast hooking several fish including a really big fish.  It took me forever to land him.  He drifted downstream after I released him and a guy below me foul hooked him and it took him forever to get it in as well.

One fish I hooked had one of my flies in his mouth.  I know it was mine because it was a sage conehead, and only my friends fish these along with me.  Besides I lost one last week and it had to be the same fish.  It was actually downstream from my usual spot where the majority of my fish were hooked.

For as bad as the fishing (catching) on 16 was, the Ny streams were loaded with fish….and not fisherman.



Fished 16 mile

in Erie and hooked 5 and landed one.  The next day I hooked and lost one small jack.

But the story of the day was the people I met from Pa, including 2 college students who are new to fly fishing.  These people once again restored my faith in the Erie sportsmen and women.  Eager to learn, courteous, and friendly are the best way to describe this group.  It is also comforting to know the younger people in the group will be the fisherman of tomorrow.  The sport will be in great hands with these guys (and girls).  So glad to see young women pursuing the sport of fly fishing.

Now off to the NY streams that were finally fishable.  After I wish happy birthday to my son, Michael.  Happy Birthday and God bless you, buddy.  Love you…dad.

The club

was stocked yesterday and here are 2 of the many fish I picked up.  Buggers were  the bait today by far.bow1pal1

I finally got the palomino, and that was a great way to end the day.  By the way, that is not an Erie steelhead, but one of the many “bigs” we stocked at the Yellow Creek Trout Club.

Started out in Olcott

brown1steel1and the creek was perfect and full of fish….and fisherman.  Got a 15# brown, 2 12’s, and a 20#+ king, but the king cost me my fishing spot.  As I ran him down the creek I returned to no place to fish.  Did catch other smaller browns, but the crowd was unmerciful.   I forgot all about “combat Fishing” at 18 mile creek.  I got a stern reminder.

My next trip was to 16 mile in Erie.  I never caught more steelhead in my life.  I honestly caught them every cast for a while.  It did get monotonous…until, guess what?  A guy came across the creek to steal my spot while landing one down the creek.  This time I stood my ground and from that point on, every fish I hooked…and that was quite a few, I fought from that spot as not to lose it.

I think the problem is, there are so many fish that people no longer respect these magnificent fish, nor the fellow fisherman.  I have never seen such poor sportsmanship as I have seen this year.  Sad, but oh so true.

Will post some pics later.