Did my first steelhead trip

nybrown1and Elk, 16, and 20 were just packed with people, and the mile creeks were packed with fish.

Started at 16 with my pin and hooked a beaut that promptly broke my line…above the float.  I had to wade in, grab the float, and hand line him to the bank.  As I beached the fish, I tripped headfirst into the creek.  I actually spit out water when I surfaced!

I proceeded into NY, when arriving at the stream I saw a guy hooked up.  I quick change back into wet boots provided steady action until dusk.

The following morning I took out my NY fishing buddy Steve.  Never fly fished and guess what…Hooked up and landed one on his first cast.  We did OK and hung it up early to work on our cabins.

The following day, I returned to the stream and I had, maybe, the best 2 hrs of steelhead fishing (and Browns) ever!  The fish were stacked, fresh, and hungry.  It was a day that truly brings you back.  Even if you still have the taste of 16 mi run in your mouth.

By the way, a guy was thrown into the creek on 16, but that is another story.

Stocked yesterday

sat2 (1)sat2 (2)sat4 (1)sat4 (2)so went up today to fish for them.  Met a new fishing buddy who helped me land a biggie below the lower quad bridge.  Got another biggie at the walking bridge, a tiger we stocked last year.

I was so bummed having hooked a palamino (again) only to loose him after about a 20 second battle.  Tried to get out the camera and the fly popped out.  Gonna get one of them yet.

260 fish stocked yesterday  and the creek is fishing better than I can remember for this time of year.  Predicting a banner year at the trout club this year for sure.

Went to the club

and spent 3 hrs hooking and losing 3 carp.

So, I switched gears and went for the trout.  At Al’s rock I saw the palomino we stocked and fished to no avail, until he swam upstream and out of my casting range.  So I proceeded to just fish and caught 6 or so fish there.

I went down to the walking bridge, and the fish were stacked there.  Pretty much shooting fish in a barrel.  Got a 20″ tiger there.  Not the biggest fish in the hole.

Below the lower quad bridge the fish hit anything/everything I threw at them.  The pressure on these fish has been next to nothing, as they bit as though we stocked them yesterday.

The water was low, clear, but cold.  The bite is on for this fall and upcoming year…………….Mike

First stocking

paloand what a stocking it was.  265 fish, three of which were palominos.  No monsters, but every fish we put in was between 14-16 inches.  All were bows.

Due to a tough workload I won’t make it back up until later next week.

By the way, finished the day in an unnamed stream where the browns there were a heck of a lot of fun to catch.

Ps…did hook 4 carp, none landed and an 18″ smallie before the truck came.