Once again

the club pulled through.

Did some carp/bass fishing with owner, Steve and we had a blast catching the big boys at the club.  Two catches come to mind.  The first was a bass we double teamed passing the rod from the bridge down, landing and photographing the fish on a team effort.

The second was when I rehooked a broken off fish by snagging the line and Steve attempting to bring the monster in using a hand line.  He almost succeeded getting the fish to about five feet from us, but the fish wound up under a log and broke the line.stevecarp

We did film some really nice walleye and a smallmouth under the same log.

All in all a great day, lots of laughs, and of course another great day of “year round fishing” at the Yellow Creek Trout Club.

Mid August

and the club is in great shape.  Saw plenty of healthy trout and even caught a couple.

But, carp is what I was after and the creek pulled though.  Hooked and landed the first four fish I hooked up with.  I found out to really lean on these monsters to get them tired out.  Just when I thought I had this figured out, the next 2 I hooked ran me under branches and off they went.  So my total was 6 hooked and 4 landed.

Just so happy to see fish holding especially this late in the season.  This fall should be awesome!bigcarp

Been a while

since I have fished.

Went to the club today for some carp/bass/pike fishing.  Did some carp, bass, but no pike fishing and had a ball.

The creek is in really good shape.  Did see some trout swimming around, and for close to the month of August I was very pleased.

I hooked 8 carp and landed 4.  3x tippet is too light for these monsters.  The 4 I landed took at least 20 minutes apiece, including running up and down the creek, lifting logs they swam under, yanking out weeds, etc.  A film crew would have had a ball following me today.  All hook ups were panic city.

Also landed a few smallies.  Most were small, but the one pictured is a beaut.  The Yellow Creek Trout Club is a true year round fishery.  Love those carp for sure…way tougher to catch and land than a trout any day of the week.smalliecarp

Just got a text

from a NY fishing buddy, Steve.

I had a wedding last nite so I missed fishing with him in the Chautauqua Lake muskie tournament.  Unfortunately Steve did not hook up any fish.

I am heading up for the 4th and will hire a guide and hope Steve will let me hook up again with him as we did last fall.  Gonna get that muskie yet!

Just made

a case for my new center pin rod.  The new one is 13 1/2 feet long, a true buggy whip.  Can’t wait for the fall/winter season coming up.

That being said, I can’t wait for the carp/smallmouth action at Yellow Creek this summer, and to do the long walk from the club down to Sixth St.  The beauty of fishing…all seasons are good, some are better.  Oh, yeah, I am still looking for that first muskie in Chautauqua as well.