The club

fished really well.  Put in a half day and got a dozen fish.  The last one, pictured here, was the 2nd highlight of the day.  Landed him below the step dam on my dropper fly.

The highlight was helping a new guy to the club get his first fish.  A 22″ beauty above the lower quad bridge.  Met his son Tom last year and was happy to meet his dad, give him a few pointers, and see him catch and land such a nice fish.  Made my day for sure.boulderbow

Midweek trip

to the club with fishing buddy, Al.

It took me a good hour to get bit.  Think it had to do with the sun angle on the water and the locations I fished.  My first bite was followed on my second cast with 2 nice bows.  Then it was a fish periodically throughout the day.

Fished the top of the property and had 2 doozies of a birds nest that cost me 2 complete line changes and at least 30 min of fishing time.

The creek was just perfect, a tad cold, and I got out fished by one by Al.  At least he can’t shoot 3’s as well as I can….lol.

Will upload some pics today.


Creek started off with a bang as I caught a fish on my first cast.  Usually this means a lousy day, but it was anything but that.

I did catch quite a few all on traditional nymphs.  But the one that got away….was at the boulder hole.  I hooked a beaut that took me around a fallen tree and upstream.  I could not climb out of the water to get around a tree, nor could I walk around it from the shore as the water was too deep.  I waited him out and he swam out!  I started him toward me, when once again, he ran around the same tree and I waited another 5 min or so…until he put on a big surge and the fly popped out.

I had another huge loss while fishing off the walking bridge, but that’s another story for another time.

All in all it was a banner day, the action was continuous, cold, uncrowded and the creek as an 11.

Fished at the cabin

starting on Chautauqua Creek and arrived to a perfect 10 creek.  No one there, green tint, perfect flow, and no fish.

Since the day was young i went over to sixteen mile in Erie and shared the stream with 2 kids from Pitt.  Good guys and good fisherman.  We had some action in low, clear, and cold conditions.  I hooked 6 fish and landed 4 of them, 2 of which were really nice and fresh fish.

I just can’t figure out Chautauqua Creek, though.  Blanked 3 times in a row.  It just doesn’t figure.

Did leave today in a snow storm.  Hope to fish the club on Sunday.  Until then……

PS…thanks for the tech help, MG…..Dad

Got there at dawn and

shortialgoldbrnfished until noon.  Since the water was low, thought I would concentrate on getting a couple of the “bigs” that swim the water at the club.

Got the first one at the curve.  A nice rainbow that I got on video.  The second came from the hole above the lower quad bridge, he just hit the 20″ mark.

[embedplusvideo height=”365″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=yg6U5RpRgd0&width=450&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep4546″ /]

The last one came from Al’s rock, a beauty of a brown.  The pics of him aren’t great, but the video I shot is.  The cool thing, Al and I had a double there.

The creek, weather, and the fishing were just awesome this morning.  Will try to get back up midweek.