Steve’s brthday was a blast

Tons of people, good food, warm fire, and great fishing highlighted the day.  Met many new wonderful people.

I started out the day with great nephew Sean at the step dam, and picked up 6 there in a matter of minutes.  We stocked it there the day before, so we were shooting fish in the barrel.  We proceeded down stream and did this in nearly every hole we fished.

When we got to the curve, Sean caught the big brown I caught from the week before.  A beauty.

After we cut the cake, Steve, his friend, and I went back out and I caught a beaut at the first jack dam.  I landed him about 50 yards down stream.  When Steve sends me the pic I will post.

The 2nd highlight of the day, Sean’s being the first to occur, was Steve banging the fish above the curve to end the day.  Happy Birthday, buddy.

Banner Day

DSC00028at the club.

Don’t often do it, (keep an exact count), but I caught 27 fish today…started above the curve, lower quad bridge, above and below, and the boulder hole.  Caught a huge brown at the curve and a huge brook above the lower quad bridge.

There were three other guys there and they did every bit as well as I did, maybe even better.

Met 2 new members there and acted as a guide.  One guy picked up a 20+ bow and a huge brookie.  Both of these fish were awesome, to say the least.

It was just a great day, and believe me I met 3 guys today that really knew how to fish!  My hat’s off to them.

2 Days

chauutof fishing at the cabin…Day one on 16 mi, I hooked up 3 on low water conditions.  Left the stream and got to Chautauqua Creek to be greeted by high water, but no one on the stream.  Fished the trestle and landed one fish there.  Hoping the creek would drop I waited until the next day.

Got to Chautauqua Creek to find much better conditions.  Unfortunately the fish did not think so.  Fished the trestle – zilch and the same in my favorite spot above 90.

One fish in 2 days, Mayville Snow festival, all in all not the best fishing this past week.  But still had a great time in New York.