Having stocked

on Fri, nephew Dan and I got to the club early Sat morning.  Dan nailed them below the lower quad bride and met up with me above the curve.  There I caught one of the bigs we stocked in that spot the day before.

We proceeded to the boulder hole where we caught our first double.  Dan lost a monster there on a bugger, which was the fly of choice.

Stopping at the hole above the lower quad on the way back upstream we hit two doubles there, and really caught a lot of fish in that spot, getting the numbers up as Steve would say.

We ventured to Keiko’s and there we connected on our fourth  double.  Fishing the sunken dock stretch we both picked up a couple each, and added another at the black hole.  Lost 4 at the step dam.

All in all we were both in our high teens before the day ended.  I think Dan caught one more than me…lol.

Another great stocking and day fishing thanks to Steve Renosky and the Yellow Creek Trout Club.

Cold weather

16mimet me on 16 mile run in Erie, where I picked up a few fish.  The following day I couldn’t keep them off the hook.  I had the stream to myself for the better part of an afternoon, and fished with one other guy in the lower end in the late afternoon.  He was nailing them on live minnows, and I caught them on blood dots.

Day 3 was a cross between day one and 2 and I landed around 8 fish.  Met a great guy, Matt who was catching a bunch in the lower end.  It is funny how many fisherman come and go into my fishing life, but certainly prefer them returning to my adventures to see how things are going in their fishing endeavors.  A cold, but rewarding 3 days on the stream.

PS…busted in Chautaqua due to slush and ice.

First pic

with my new camera which was a Christmas gift from my son, Michael.

This tiger came from the lower quad bridge, and no camera on this earth could truly do this fish justice.  He is absolutely gorgeous!  I have seen natives, etc, but this guy is right there with them, and maybe even then, some.

Caught 4 total there, one at the boulder hole (nephew Dan clobbered the boulder hole the day before), and another below the step dam.  The water was perfect, weather perfect, etc, but the fishing was a little tough for me, as most action occurred within a half hour period.

Thanks for the great gift, MG…underwater stuff coming.

A week

at my cabin produced the following:  day 1, 3….1 big, 1 medium, and one small.  Day 2 saw 2 fish on a low 16 mile run.  Nothing at the dam.  Day 3:  back to Chautauqua where I picked up 10 fish at the trestle.  Day 4 with high water, I landed one fish.

Dan arrived on the weekend and for 2 days we chased fish all over western NY to no avail due to high water.

Leaky boots and a camera left in the Simms I borrowed from Dan prevent me from posting pics or videos until I get my camera back.

Walleye day


Got there and after catching 2 went to the fly rod abandoning the pin.  Met up with Steve and proceeded to have a banner day.

We caught fish in most of the usual spots, but Steve found  pocket of walleyes and we had a blast pulling those beauties in, one after another, eclipsing the 2o or so trout I caught today.

While fishing for them (walleye) this video of Steve catching a bow was shot in the lowest part of the club.

All this was followed by a great dinner at the pavillion thanks to Dan, Adrian, and Rick.

The Yellow Creek Trout Club today was the Yellow Creek Walleye Club….LOL.