Happy New Year

Arrived at the club around 8 and went to the lower quad bridge hole.  Caught some fish there, above the curve and lost a monster at the curve fishing with the pin.  Did not connect with Dan/Sean as they got there earlier and went way downstream.

Met up with Steve and we proceeded to the black hole where this video was shot.  Did catch others there as well as at Keiko’s.

Leaky boots out me at the pavillion where Dan came to the rescue (again) with dry boots.  This guy is simply put….awesome.  Can’t thank Dan enough for all he does for me.  God bless him.

Wound up at the boulder hole and caught 4 or so more there to end the day.  Fished from morning to nite and loved every minute of it.  20 plus fish day, leaky boots, met Al and some other buds at the pavillion…great way to start 13.

http://youtu.be/SL6nmNPTPjE                  Check out Steve on the vid.

Browns as big as footballs

I mean steelhead as big as footballs.  Saturday put Dan and I late at the trestle and Dan had his usual 2 dozen hook ups at the Lacinski hole.

I did not have that kind of success, but did manage some fish there and popped a bunch in the rifle below, 3 on in 3 casts there, which was quite nice.

The following day, Dan was under the weather, so I made the trek to the trestle thru 18″ of snow and upon arrival a guy was leaving and said they bombed them there.  I fished any how and for the first hour and a half I did zilch.  Then the creek turned on and it was one steelie after another, with only one other guy on the creek.

My highlight was one from the rifle below that I saw swim over and eat the fly.  At the favorite spot I lost a huge fish due to a poor knot and foul hooked another, and that hole looks like the best spot on the creek.  Wish I would not have run out of daylight.

Got to Sixteen Mile

Creek on Tuesday morning to near perfect conditions.  Hit my favorite spot and the fishing there was just awesome.  The seventh house up had a pod of fish and the bait guys were just pounding those fish, as they did the following day.

I fished near the dam again the second day, but had little luck there.  I went downstream to the hole I mentioned and live minnows had the fish just going nuts.  I hooked and lost 2 there on small flies, but knew I could not keep up with the minnow guys.  So I headed to Chautaqua.

My favorite spot produced nothing so I went up to the trestle.  All the guys there said the fishing was spectacular.  Having my doubts I fished the Lacinski hole and managed 5 fish there.

Upon leaving and walking back to the car I stopped at the parking lot where a guy said he caught 4.  I tried a cast there and the picture shows the result.

Day 3 produced a broken furnace and that totally consumed my last day there….bummer.

Heading back up on Sunday nite.