First stocking

of the year.  So, the fish were spread out.  Once found, they were not too hard to catch, my total was around 10.  The water temps were good, fish a nice size and quality, and the weather was nearly perfect.  Fished nearly all of the club and the water looks just great.  We all survived another summer.  It will only get better from here on in until the end of another season.  Good to be back.  Check out the video….


Went to the club on Wed, following a lead by Steve.  The guys at YCTC are missing the boat by not fishing during the summer.  I was greeted by 2 doe and 3 youngins crossing below the walking bridge.  That alone made the trip worthwhile.
Hooked a beauty on the straight stretch, and Steve was right about heavy line.  My pin cranked off 100 yds of 4# test that broke as I turned the fish.  Caught one small one that I thought might have been a sucker, it was that small.
Went to the upper end and Steve was right, it looked like Pymatuming.  Hooked one there that I promptly lost. I had a few hits, but small hooks allowed no hook ups.
Hiked backed to the straight stretch and hooked the fish of the day, same story.  Lost everything.
Moral of the story.
No fish landed, but had a blast.  Saw a few dozen trout, hanging out in places I never would have dreamed of.  You need to fish the club 12 mos of the year.  Scouted and learned a ton doing so.  Plenty of water and flow, though water temp is high.  I will be back as soon as I can do so.  Carp are tougher than trout.  And last, but not least, ……………………………….Listen to Steve.

Could be

the last trip of the year due to warm water.
Got to fish with Steve today and man, did he light up the smallmouth bass. The highlight was him landing a huge one and when I wanted to film the action, Steve turned, ran up the bank and huge, and I mean huge black snake is right below him. I couldn’t blame him a bit for getting out of Dodge.
I did land around 8 fish and the brown pictured came from below the lower quad bridge.
The smallmouth bass and the carp will be my summer targets at the club and I am looking forward to the fall stocking. I hope for cool/wet weather in the weeks to come.

We drew

2 fantastic beats for the tournament, but we came up 5 inches short of placing.  We still had a blast.

Nathan caught a lunker and Dan got 2 of them in our second beat.  The water was perfect and we did catch a lot of fish, but a 50 fish total at the pond made only placing in 2nd or 3rd within reason.  We did come close, but no cigar.

This pic was a bow I caught after the contest, which is a prize in itself.

Dan Africa

celebrated his birthday at the club with great food, great friends, and great fishing.

Caught 3 right off the walking bridge, then met Dan and Sean there.  We proceeded down the creek and caught some really nice fish wherever we fished.  At the boulder hole Dan caught a beaut and 2 more in the hole above it, as did Sean light them up there.  For Dan, a modified red head nymph as a dropper did the job.

When they left I caught a ton at the iron bridge all on the same size 16 egg pattern.  The most beautiful fish was caught again, and this time I did get a pic….that does no justice to this fish for some reason.  Just goes to show you that catch and release does work.

Al caught a 24 inch bow at the rock, but have no pic to show.