Low conditions

at the club today, but after a slow start things did pick up.

We stocked around 200 fish from the hatchery and they were really nice ta boot.

After the stocking the creek turned on and we caught some beauties  especially in the corner below the pavillion.  It was crammed with cooperative fish and that hole alone gave up around 15 fish to Dan and I.  Lost a monster bow at the steel bridge and caught a bow that might have been the most gorgeous fish I ever caught.  A precarious standing spot made getting a good pic nearly impossible, but trust me, it was a beaut.  Will post pic’s later.

Opening Day

at Little Sandy was one of the best ever.  Between 3 guys we caught over 50 fish.  All of us hooked (but lost) a trophy palamino.  I got a huge bow and a breeder brown and Dan got a huge bow as well.

At the fly project Sean nailed one on his first cast, but we did not spend much time there as the open water was just so awesome and uncrowded this year.

Possibly the best opening day ever.

Missed the stocking

because my son, Michael and Angela pulled a surprise visit at the Pirates opener.  When they got back to Cincinatti there was another surprise, but I will address this another time.

Got to the club later on Fri and picked up this beauty below the lower quad bridge.

On Sat, the guys had spent the nite at the cabin and I got there at dawn.  I fished till around 9 before they got to the creek.  The water was low, clear and just the way I like it.  Nothing big caught, but plenty of them.  The only big one that day broke my line and that is while fishing below the new dam.

This week is the trout opener and we will be fishing Brookeville.  Happy Easter and tight lines.

Got there at dawn

on Sat and fished until around one, due to a commitment at home.

The fish were there and cooperated pretty well for me.  I caught around my average this year, but nothing I wanted to film or picture.  One brook was pushing 20, though. The creek was perfect and will be more perfect tomorrow when Dan, Sean, and Al get there.

A guy was filling the feeder at the lower quad bridge.  When the pellets hit the water it made me wonder how I could make a cast in this pool and not foul hook a fish every cast.  The water was boiling, and I mean boiling.

I saw only 3 other cars there, so I had my free wheel of the club.  With the stocking on Fri and the fishing on Sat, look for some pics this week for sure.

Oh, yeah, my New York fishing is soon coming to a new start.  Details later.

Sean and I got there

close to dawn, I actually got there first, and the fish were biting from the time we got there, and especially right before we left for home.  I picked up 5 fish over 20 inches, but only landed two of them.  The first was on a black streamer on the straight stretch after picking one up above close to 20 inches.  The last 3 were all at the walking bridge, and all 3 lodged under the same rock, only one made it out and I landed him.  I even caught the palamino off the bridge, so my last half hour was the most exciting from an action stand point.  I will post some pics later tonight.

Sean had his dad’s sage 1 and he did really well and caught some real beauties himself.  It was so cool being there with my grand nephew, and he is a great fisherman, but more importantly a great person, and I truly enjoyed my day with him.  Did I mention that he is the best net man I have ever met  (unlike his dad…lol).  I wish I was still there fishing with Sean, but I did miss Al, Dan, and the other guys, including the other nephews.