and some fish were stacked up at the pavillion.
So I made my way downstream to look and scout, more than to fish.
I did get a few fish below the lower quad bridge, but made my way to the parking lot to meet up with Al. We went to the dam below the curve and we picked up a few fish including the bow pictured. Unless we get cool weather, rain, and or both, my spring season at Yellow might close for now.
Author: Mike Keryeski
Clear water
with a nice flow met me at the club this morning.
First the ones that got away. Lost a palomino and a huge bow below the lower quad bridge.
Now for the ones I got. Caught the huge bow pictured above the curve, and the brown below the lower quad bridge. The other bow came from the pavillion. A guy who helped me land the bow fell in the creek trying to net it. I appreciate his kindness.
My boots leaked, luckily the season is nearing the completion, cause I will need new boots for the fall. Oh, well.
Didn’t get the tiger
but did have some action throughout the day.
The creek was perfect with flow, color and the weather cooperated, but I did not set the fishing world on fire. A lot of early luck, but after the first hour or so I had to really work for the fish.
The fish in the pic came from the walking bridge where I did see at least 6 fish in the 20 inch rain. Hope to get back up this Friday as the cooler weather will soon be a thing of the past.
The tournament
was a huge success…perfect water, weather, food, and company. We drew the beat above the lower quad bridge and we got fifteen fish, putting us in first place. After a great lunch, we drew beat 2 and it was not so kind. We fished hard for 2 hours for one fish…period.
Dan caught the biggest fish for us at 19″. After the tournament, he lit up the curve and caught one fish after another. I picked up a few at the boulder hole and had a drive home in a downpour. At least the weather was perfect for the event. Can’t wait till next year.
Steve stocked a double amount of fish, and there is a 9# tiger that I will try to get on my next trip up.
I know
we will pray for this rain and cooler temps in a couple of months, but for right now, enough.
The club was fine when I got there and picked up 2 fish in my first five casts on a new pattern made possible by fishing buddies Dan and Tom. Chose not to use the fly with the upcoming tournament, so I experimented with some new patterns.
When I got to the boulder hole, I met the son of a former fishing buddy. I hooked into a huge, hard fighting, jumping rainbow there, which I managed to lose due to his acrobatics.
Then the rains came. Having been drenched on the opener and due to my son’s coming home I called it a day. Did catch some worth a pic, but did not pull the camera out due to the rain.