Having stocked

I went to the club this morning and it was a typical day after stocking.  The freshly stocked fish would hit just about anything, and they did.  There are so many quality fish at the club that it is mind boggling.  Hit for the cycle and caught brooks, bows, tigers, and browns in every place I fished.

Did meet new member, Walt and friend, and they were really pleased in what they caught.

Could not find the one monster I wanted to catch….There’s always next time.  PS…..click on the pic to enlarge.

Finally got some flow

in the creek. The conditions were near perfect today.
Got a fish on my first cast and that tells how the day went.
Tried to find some of the bigger fish and did manage to get this guy below the lower quad bridge. Saw a few other guys and then the wind began to blow. A lot of leaves blew into the water, so I called it a day around 11 o’clock after finishing up at the pavillion. Did pick up a couple of nice ones there. Stocking again this Friday.hal1

A soggy day

but the creek held up really well. I caught 7 fish, in about an hour, then got stuck on that number for 3 hrs. When the rain stopped, the creek cleared, and the fish turned back on. I missed a true monster above the lower quad bridge and missed a big brookie there as well. The fish pictured all came from below that bridge. Did manage 15 in all and 3 over/around 20″. They are filming at the club tomorrow.

The day after

we stocked is a time to really go out and catch some fish. I got there at dawn and never saw another guy all morning. Caught 3 of the biggies we stocked…one at the dam below the pavillion, one at the lower quad bridge, and one at the walking bridge. I could not say how many regular fish I caught, let’s just say quite a few. Wooly buggers were the ticket today. Lost the most beautiful brook trying to pull him up on a dam. If you ever see me fishing without a net again, remind me of the nice brookie I lost. The rain did not put a damper on today’s trip.stock1stock2


the creek today and as usual we put in some really nice fish. I arrived at dawn, so I got about 3 hrs of fishing in. Caught a beaut at the walking bridge, but the self timer was goofy, probably because of dropping my camera at Erie last week. So I had to settle for a pic on the bank beside my rod.
Heading up in the morning to catch some of these fresh stockers.
Paula’s soup was just awesome again this week.
Sorry about the blurry pic…blurbow